
Humic acids isolated from some peat deposits are obtained in two ways. In the course of the experiments, it was found that the acids isolated by the ultrasonic method had a higher physiological activity than the acids isolated by the Kononova-Belchikova method. When the preparations are isolated by the ultrasonic method, the time of contact of humic acids with the reagents is much less, which causes their lower oxidation. Physiological activity of the preparations was studied using water cultures of beans. Two series of experiments were carried out. In the first series, the preparations were introduced directly into the water, and in the second series, through the leaves. It was established that all preparations isolated by us had physiological activity. In the case of the introduction of drugs into the water, the ratio of the total biomass to the weight of the roots was less than in the control variants, and when top dressing through the leaves, it was higher. Preparations isolated from peat from the Dmanisi and Paliastomi deposits had the highest physiological activity.

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