
The purpose of the article is to present the results of a sociological survey on the formation of spiritual and moral values of cadet youth. The object of the study was the cadets of the Faculty of Law and Engineering and Technology, whose age ranged from 18 to 22 years. The representative sample, in addition to the age and profile of the faculty, also took into account such socio-demographic characteristics as gender. The key features of the spiritual potential of future officers of the Federal Penitentiary Service are revealed, in particular, the combination of adherence to traditional values with the strengthening of individualism, their own well-being and self-development. Such an important feature of youth perception of actual reality as a certain lack of a sense of security, fear of an increase in crime, unemployment and the possibility of war is recorded. The authors note that cadets are characterized by adherence to traditional life values, one way or another intertwined with a certain increase in individualism, their own well-being and self-development, which reflects modern global and Russian trends.

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