
The article discusses a long-standing historical discussion between specialists in massage practice regarding the feasibility, advantages and disadvantages of performing therapeutic classical massage with a dry method without the use of lubricants. An analysis of the scientific works of predecessors and contemporaries on the stated issues was carried out. The features of the structure and physiology of the skin and the effect of dry massage on it are revealed. Its advantages are described for both the patient and the massage therapist. The main reservations and contraindications to dry massage are determined. The main functions of the skin are given. It is noted that to ensure the permeability of substances and at the same time maintain the protective function of the skin, special conditions are necessary, which are ideally created by the water-lipid acid mantle of the skin on the stratum corneum of the epidermis. It has been established that maintaining the water-lipid acid mantle in an appropriate state is very important, because it forms a barrier that provides mechanical, chemical and microbial resistance of the skin, prevents the loss of moisture from the epidermis, promotes free breathing of the skin, makes it whole, smooth, healthy. kind. Given this, it is determined that an important aspect of skin health is its hygiene. Irregular skin care can cause skin diseases, but frequent washing with alkaline substances or cleansing with alcohols, ethers can destroy the water-lipid acid mantle and lead to undesirable consequences. Considering that healthy skin under normal conditions does not need additional lubricants, because they cannot reproduce the full range of properties of natural leather lubricant, but rather create an additional load: they slow down the process of peeling the stratum corneum, seal the sebaceous and sweat glands, cause allergic reactions. , inflammation, inhibit respiratory function, change the pH balance, destroy the water-lipid acid mantle, the issue of diversity in the practice of therapeutic massage requires special attention. That is why, in the context of this, the problem of studying the advantages of conducting therapeutic classical massage with a dry method without lubricants is actualized.

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