
The work is devoted to determining the key trends in the transformation of the constitutional and le-gal institution of citizenship in the current conditions of globalization. A comparative legal analysis of the concept of citizenship, the grounds and procedure for acquiring and depriving citizenship in different countries of the world is carried out. The author's theoretical-methodological and scientific-practical conclusions about the forms and consequences of the influence of globalization processes on the transformation of the institution of citizenship are formulated. It is shown that investment naturalization is a direct consequence of economic globalization and commercialization of political and legal relations on a global scale. It is proved that in addition to financial and economic grounds, dur-ing naturalization, certain requirements must be put forward for the applicant of a political and legal nature, without which it is impossible to create a stable, permanent connection between the individual and the state. The correctness and timeliness of the introduction into the current Russian legislation of a fundamentally new approach to the deprivation of acquired citizenship as a result of a criminal offense provided for by the relevant legal norms is substantiated. The author's conclusions and generalizations are made regarding the place and role of the institution of citizenship in the life of modern society and the state.

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