
Abstract. New computer technologies, which became the cause of the information revolution in education in the second half of the 20th century, gave impetus to the rapid development of distance learning methods and the formation of the concept of open education. Distance learning at the turn of the second and third millennia became a global phenomenon and significantly changed the structure of education systems in many countries of the world. In the conditions of the information society, during the avalanche-like growth of the amount of knowledge accumulated by mankind, the intensity of updating theoretical provisions, practical information, and experimental results, necessary for use in various spheres of human activity, increases. The objective necessity of development and improvement of knowledge transmission mechanisms, which provide the possibility of continuous training of a large number of people throughout their lives in accordance with the needs of the individual and society, is becoming urgent. The problem of the introduction of remote technologies into the educational process became particularly widespread during the coronavirus pandemic. However, asynchronous distance learning itself became especially relevant with the beginning of hostilities on the territory of Ukraine, which led to the restriction of education seekers in access to the Internet, damage to telecommunication networks, lack of electricity supply, mass migration of refugees, the destruction of educational institutions, the involvement of education seekers in the ranks of the territorial defense etc. There was a need to organize the educational process and present educational materials, conduct control measures considering all the circumstances of today. Thus, Sumy State University, with the support of the distance learning MIX platform, organized distance learning for students of physical and technical specialties in synchronous and asynchronous distance format. The work highlights the peculiarities of providing educational services to students with limited access to educational materials (work in an asynchronous format). The article focuses on the issues of training organization, which consider the student's work in an asynchronous format. Explanations are provided for some special aspects of the organization of such training. An analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen form of work was made. The article highlights further directions of work on improvement and optimization of relevant educational materials and forms of their presentation to extend learning in today's difficult conditions. Key words: distance learning, synchronous and asynchronous learning format, MIX distance learning platform, and remote access, mathematical and physical disciplines.

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