
In the paradigm fi eld of sociocultural research, the presence of variability of approaches to models of cultural policy is fi xed. Applying the typologies put forward by Russian and foreign researchers, such as A.E. Khrenov, A.S. Balakshin, A. Mol, E. Evertitt, A. Wisand, explicating these models in the context of the Pridnestrovian sphere of culture, this study substantiates the need to develop and the introduction at this stage of the development of society of such a model of cultural policy that would meet the modern needs of a multi-ethnic and cultural community subject to assimilation processes under the infl uence of the emerging geocultural and geopolitical situation. It is in the spectrum of these defi nitions that the existing models of cultural policy are considered, the implementation possibilities of which are determined by the goals, subjects and tools for its implementation, as well as the presence of effective actors (active creators) who have real opportunities to infl uence it. The determination of these provisions lies in the plane of choosing that vector of the country’s cultural development, that optimal model of cultural policy, the election of which, in the context of sociocultural transformations, actualizes the importance of preserving the dominant integrative culture, against the background of giving a special role to cultural communities, creative associations and associations, showing their position on a par with state, taking into account the heterogeneity of the Pridnestrovian culture. The study, based on the triangulation of cultural and political-philosophical approaches, revealed the need to introduce a new model of the cultural policy of such a young state as Pridnestrovie, as a way to preserve the state integrity and civil identity of a multi-ethno-cultural republic, under the infl uence of globalization trends. According to the author, the most optimal is the “public model” of cultural policy, which has an institutional balance, is aimed at the dynamic development of culture at the societal and local levels, is distinguished by tolerance and transparency, but at the same time takes into account the national character of the population living in the given territory. In this connection, the study of this model is updated, the possibilities of its implementation in the prospective development of the republic, which allows aggregating the communicative interaction of the state with society, by supporting a dialogue within society, between its various segments and carriers of different identities.

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