
The purpose. To characterize magnetic receptivity (MR) of chernozem soils as the major ones in agrarian ratio for Kharkov region and to show perspectives of its application at adoption of administrative solutions in farm-production. Methods. Agro-physical, agro-chemical, statistical, geoinformational analysis. Results. Allocation of values of MR of chernozem soils to terrain of Kharkov area is studied. Their statistical characteristics and link with the basic agrochemical indexes of soil are probed. Features of correlation between indexes at different territorial levels are shown. Large-scale of correlation of values of MR with the content of organic carbon and capacity of exchange cations is registered. Conclusions. Chernozem soils of Kharkov area are characterized by the heightened and tall values of specific MR of the upper layer of soil. A range of values of MR is 40–120 · 10–8kg/m3, that is in 3,5–4,5 times higher, than in parent rocks. Having analyzed link between soil’s MR of the area and some its agro-chemical characteristics, they state low extent at the regional territorial level. At the same time at local level (one field with equal agro-industrial conditions) they determined high dependence between MR and contained humus, MR and sum of the absorbed bases. High dependence between the content of humus and MR allows using the last in events where detailed determination of humus (erosive researches and large-scale mapping of soil covering) is necessary.

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