
 The efficiency of meeting the needs of the military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine directly depends on financial planning, which includes: correct identifying of the needs and ensuring timely and efficient use of the funds specified by law. It is determined that the level of financing of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is insufficient and adversely affects the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to them.The article defines the dynamics of defense expenditures from the State Budget of Ukraine, as well as their share of the volume of domestic gross product. A comparative analysis of the structure of budget expenditures of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and NATO countries is carried out. It was proved that the current structure of the state budget expenditures does not allow to satisfy fully the needs of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and provide military servicemen with their social guarantees.The forecast of financial support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on general and special funds till 2023 is presented. In course of conducted research, the following scientific methods were used: modeling – to determine the projected financial support for the Armed Forces of Ukraine; economic and statistical – to assess the dynamics of defense expenditures; analysis and synthesis – to find out the reasons for the change in the structure of expenditures; tabular and graphical – to represent the results of the study; abstract-logical – in implementation of theoretical and methodological conclusions.


  • The efficiency of meeting the needs of the military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine directly depends on financial planning

  • efficient use of the funds specified by law

  • It is determined that the level of financing

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The efficiency of meeting the needs of the military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine directly depends on financial planning, which includes: correct identifying of the needs and ensuring timely and efficient use of the funds specified by law. Практика останніх років засвідчить про необхідність зміни підходів використання бюджетних коштів з метою досягнення максимально-ефективного розподілу обмежених фінансових ресурсів та забезпечення можливості оперативно змінювати напрями фінансування в залежності від характеру конкретних завдань, поставлених перед Збройними Силами України. Однією з умов залучення висококваліфікованих фахівців до Збройних Сил України є створення ефективного механізму фінансового забезпечення соціальних гарантій військовослужбовців.

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