
The objective of the study is to examine and forecast the possible volumes of timber harvesting in the near future in the Far East of Russia on the example of the Khabarovsk and Primorsky territries, based on the actual volume of logging over the past eight years. The methods of comparative and computation al analyses were used as methodological basis of the study, including the collection and analysis of logging and processing industries information. Industry and customs statistics, as well as the authors’ own research, were taken as initial data. The current situation with timber harvesting in the Far East is directly related to inefficient logging planning and the lack of effective control over forest users. According to our assessment, the volume of timber harvesting will gradually decrease and by 2025 will not exceed 3.0 million m3 in the Primorsky territory and 5.0 million m3 in the Khabarovsk Region. However, wood processing will grow signifi cantly and will reach 80% of the total volume of harvested wood. Hardwood will serve as an exception, the harvesting of which will not exceed 300 thousand m3 , and processing will achieve almost 100%.

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