
The member countries of the BRICS association have a huge impact on the markets due to the following factors: their combined area is 27% of the world’s land surface (which determines the presence of significant reserves of various natural resources), the total population is 41.5% of the total world population. All countries, with the exception of South Africa, are among the top ten in terms of gross domestic product. Taking in to account these factors, the countries have great potential for economic growth, which is currently being most dynamically realized by China and India. In addition to using domestic potential, these states actively attract foreign investment. Their experience is of interest to the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union. The article analyzes the features of investment policy and attraction of foreign direct investment in China and India. The application of general theoretical and special research methods contributed to the achievement of the tasks set. The Russian Federation is interested in the experience of China and India in dividing all spheres of the economy according to the degree of openness to foreign investment.

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