
This article discusses the methodical approach to definition of the influence of the process of intensification of social production on the economic assessment of natural resources. At the same time when assessing the impact are taken into account as different directions of intensification, as well as the process of intensification of production in general. The purpose of the research is an economic assessment of the intensive nature of production in the conditions of the development of the natural environment. The object of the research is the process of economic evaluation of the intensive nature of production in the conditions of the development of the natural environment. The methods used of the research are scientific, logical, and retrospective. The hypothesis of the research is the emergence of a system of contradictory relations both between different types of intensive use of resources, and between them and the process of environmental production. The statement of basic materials. The influence of each type of intensification on the economic evaluation of natural resources is considered. Intensification of cumulative social labor has two main directions: the intensification of living labor (in its quantitative and qualitative forms) and past work, which is substantiated in the means of production (also in two forms). Intensification of means of production coincides with the intensification of social labor. The originality and practical significance of the research. The peculiarity of the article is to assess the intensification of production specifically for the natural environment of the regions of North Russia. Conclusions of the research. It is necessary to distinguish the environmental consequences of the process of intensifying production, depending on its orientation on various objects, that is, the effects of labor, fund and resource-saving on-lines intensification.

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