
Gender relations of young people are an urgent problem of modern society and subject to certain stereotypes. The 21st century is changing stereotypes that have governed gender relations in the society of men and women for many centuries (where historically gender differences have prevailed over individual, qualitative differences in the personality of men and women). The article considers the peculiarities of gender stereotypes of modern Ukrainian and Western European society and analyzes the choreographic works of modern choreographers, which embody different models of gender relations between men and women. The patriarchal, feminist and eclectic models of gender relations of modern youth and the concepts of culturologists and art critics regarding male (masculinity) and female (femininity) manifestations in contemporary choreographic works of Western European choreographers are analyzed. To reveal the influence of gender stereotypes of modern society on the subject of choreographic works of Western European choreographers of the XX-XXI centuries. P. Bausch, M. Graham, A. Duncan, M. Cunningham, M. Morris, A. Preljokazha. To show gender patriarchal stereotypes, which were dominated by the male power over women, which for many centuries were the norm in society and hindered the development of personal individuality, contradict the transformations of gender relations in modern Ukrainian and Western European society. The formation of models of healthy and equal gender stereotypes in modern youth is an important aspect of the development of civilized society. In modern research, gender stereotypes in contemporary choreographic works are almost entirely based on male experience, and historical research in general contains certain patriarchal echoes. The prospect of further research by scientists may be the development of new guidelines for the education of future choreographers on the principles of tolerance, gender interaction, and equal, healthy partnerships.

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