이 논문은 무제치늪에서 채집한 기장대풀(Isachne globosa Kuntze), 솔방울고랭이(Scirpus karuisawensis Makino), 이삭귀개(Utricularia racemosa Wall.), 좀개수염(Eriocaulon decemflorum Maxim.)등 4종의 식물 뿌리에서 서식하는 내생곰팡이의 분포 및 다양성을 확인하기 위해 조사하였다. 총 226 균주가 분리되었고, 3문(Phyla), 7강(Class), 10목(Order), 22과(Family), 31(genera)속으로 분리되었다. 내생진균에서 가장 많이 분리된 속은 Acephala (19.9%), Tolypocladium (16.3%), Neopestalotiopsis (11.5%), Perenniporia (7.1%) 순으로 확인하였다. 다양성지수 분석에 있어서, 이삭귀개(Ur)가 다른 식물 종에 비해 종 풍부도 (Menhinick's index = 2.37), (Margalef's index = 4.46)와, 종 균등도 (Simpson's index diversity = 0.91), 그리고 종 다양성(Shannon's indx = 2.57)로 높게 나왔다. 이러한 분석 결과를 봤을 때, 이삭귀개(Ur)에서 내생진균이 가장 다양하게 서식할 수 있는 것으로 보여진다. Wetlands exhibit intermediate characteristics of both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, and the biodiversity is rich in these unique biological habitats. The symbiotic relationships between plants and fungi that inhabit these wetlands play an important role in natural resource management, biodiversity, and conservation. Accordingly, the mujechi, having academic value for the study of the natural environment, was investigated in terms of genetic diversity of endophytic fungi, which inhabit the roots of wild plants. The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region was amplified to identify fungal strains. In total, 226 strains were isolated and categorized into three phyla, seven classes, 10 orders, 22 families, and 31 genera. In plants by endophytic fungi were classified in Isachne globosa (Ig) to 19 genera, Scirpus karuisawensis (Sk) to 11 genera, Utricularia racemosa (Ur) to 19 genera, and one incertae sedis, Eriocaulon decemflorum (Ed) to 11 genera. The fungal taxa was identified the genera Acephala (19.9%), Tolypocladium (16.3%), Neopestalotiopsis (11.5%), and Perenniporia (7.1%). The fungal group isolated from Isachne globosa (Ig) grew the largest number of isolated fungal strains. After comprehensive evaluation, the endophytic fungal group from Utricularia racemosa (Ur) ranked highest in diversity analyses. From the roots of wild plant in mujechi-neup, it confirmed the distribution and diversity of endophytic fungi. This study provides the basic data to understand fungal community structure in peat wetlands.
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