
Airborne infections constitute an extensive group of human diseases. The first barrier to the penetration of infectious agents is the oropharyngeal mucosa, where the autonomic immune system plays a special role. Therefore, maintaining the active function of mucosal immunity and its correction in situ, in the focus of inflammation, is an important way to stop respiratory infections. The coronavirus pandemic has spurred the search for effective means of preventing and treating viral diseases. Various nasal formulations have been proposed with barrier, virucidal, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. An important place belongs to antibodies directed against a specific pathogen, for which it is proposed to use monoclonal antibodies, antibodies isolated from eggs of immunized chickens, nano-antibodies of representatives of the Camelid family, or colostrum antibodies of vaccinated cows. In our opinion, it is more attractive to use antibodies isolated from human blood plasma, which have a wide spectrum of activity, therefore, in the case of mixed infection or difficult diagnosis, they can have a preventive or therapeutic effect against many pathogens. Nasal drops or spray containing human immunoglobulin can be an effective treatment for many bacterial and viral infections, including COVID-19. Key words: аirborne infections, COVID-19, prevention, nasal drugs, antibodies, human immunoglobulin

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