
The Barzassky district of the Kemerovo region is poorly developed by industry, but large areas of land are already subject to alienation. For the competent implementation of the process of disturbed territories recultivation, it is important to understand the degree of degradation of soil covers. Therefore, the purpose of the work was to study the agrochemical and microbiological properties of Barzassky processing factory rock dump soils. In the course of the work, soil samples from the surface layer of the dump as well as from the borders of the railway protective forest belt were studied. The studied soils of the dump are classified as slightly alkaline (average pH 7.899). The soils selected from the railway protective forest belt were subjected to acidification. The samples showed a low content of nitrogen (ammonium and nitrate – <5.0 and <2.8 mg/kg, respectively). Significant content of salinization was found. It has been established that acidification of soils in technogenically disturbed territories leads to a soil microbiota disorder and an increase of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms in them.

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