
The issues of resettlement of representatives of national minorities and main ethnic groups that make up a certain part of the population of the state, aspects related to ethnic geography and the current ethno-demographic situation in the country are covered, categories of foreign ethnic inclusions in the Ukrainian state are determined, definitions in clarifying the ethnic map, the processes of integration of ethnic communities into Ukrainian civil society are revealed on an objective basis. Beginning from the XVIII-th century, the geographical areas of modern Ukraine began to be intensively inhabited by other peoples, especially the South and Southeast of our state, as a result of which these regions as well as the borders of the country were ethnically heterogeneous. Historical information on the emergence of different ethnic communities is given, the dynamics of the number and modern settlement of ethnic groups in Ukraine are shown. Attention is drawn to the relationship between the history of the respective ethnic groups and their current geographical location in Ukraine, as well as to debates on the relationship between different ethnic communities and the search for ways to peace and harmony in interethnic relations. The importance of the issue of development of regional specifics of culture and preservation of spatial identification is emphasized. The political speculation about the ethnic composition of the population of Ukraine, its geographical location on the map of the state, the danger of artificial conflicts of tolerant ethnic communities, including the geographical factor, which is fueled by political parties are taken into account.

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