
The article considers the development of emotional competence of prospective elementary school teachers, which is understood as a set of views, values, acquired knowledge, skills in the emotional sphere, their understanding, expression, regulation and allows you to successfully organize the educational process on an emotional basis, empathy, respect, cooperation with schoolchildren, their parents, colleagues, to realize themselves in personal and professional activities. The purpose of the article is to study and theoretically substantiate the criteria, levels and indicators of the formation of emotional competence of future primary school teachers. To solve the problem, methods of analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, systematization and generalization of theoretical material, study of experience were used. On the basis of structural components of the specified phenomenon cognitive, value, activity criteria are developed. Cognitive criterion is characterized by the presence and completeness of knowledge about emotions, feelings, emotional states, ways of their expression, causes, age features of the emotional sphere of primary schoolchildren, awareness of technologies influencing the emotional state of schoolchildren, ways to manage their emotions. The value criterion includes recognition of the value of emotions in professional and personal spheres, acceptance of own emotional experiences and feelings of schoolchildren, their parents, colleagues, humanistic attitude to communication, interaction with participants of educational process, need to be emotionally competent teacher, motivation to succeed in pedagogical activity. The activity criterion includes a set of skills and abilities of the student to adequately perceive schoolchildren' emotions, understand their feelings and their own emotional state, express their own emotions, manage them, establish productive communication, organize interaction with schoolchildren, their parents, colleagues, make a constructive impact on participants' emotional state, educational process, motivate, stimulate them, prevent conflicts, apply constructive strategies to resolve them. Given the degree nature of the acquisition of competence, the low, medium and high level of formation of emotional competence of prospective primary school teachers is determined, their characteristics are described. Keywords: emotional competence, prospective elementary school teacher, criteria, indicators, levels, formations.

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