
Based on the study, many years of information and analytical materials «Kyrgyzhydromet» and «Kazhydromet», as well as the Department of State Statistics of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Kazakhstan, characterizing the formation of water resources and their use in the economic sectors of the catchment area of the Shu River basin, were considered as a model of the "activity-natural system", which performs runoff, environment-forming, ecological and social functions and is the spatial basis of nature management for a comprehensive assessment of the state of the territory and water bodies. As a basis for assessing the main functions of the catchment area of the Shu River basin, a geosystem approach was used, which determines the scientific and practical feasibility of geomorphological schematization, within the framework of which it becomes possible to construct their ecological profile on a spatio-temporal scale, which makes it possible to establish trends in the development of cognitive and transformative activities that determine the direction and intensity of anthropogenic activity. in the region. The main natural function of the river basin of the formation of a hydrogeochemical flow, which has one object for its discharge, determines the qualitative state of the ecological profile of the catchment area of the Shu River basin, that is, depending on the zonation from the mountainous class of landscapes to the lowland class of landscapes (superaquial and subaquial facies), natural hydrological facies are gradually disrupted. rhythms, affects the hydrogeological and soil-reclamation processes and environmental conditions, especially in the lower reaches of river basins, which are zones of storage of return (collector-drainage and waste) waters of industrial and agricultural facilities.

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