
Availability of a wide range of fats and growing production volumes brings to the forefront the issue of reasonable choice of their use in the manufacture of confectionery products and requires quality control of the most common domestic market confectionery fats and glazes. Purpose of the work is to evaluate the quality of the fatty acid composition of fats and glazes manufactured in Ukraine these being in active demand in the food industry for various fillings of confectionery products, candies and chocolate. Subject of study: fatty acid composition and content of trans-isomers of confectionery fats and glazes which are used for the production of confectionery products and affect their nutritional value. Research methods: chromatographic method using gas chromatographs «Cupol-55» and «CrystalLux 4000». Results of the study: it was found that all samples of confectionery fats and glazes differ in fatty acid composition, which is associated with the composition of raw materials and methods of production. In particular, the vast majority of confectionary fats of the non-lauric type contained significantly less saturated acids, about 36-48 %, whereas the lauric type contained 70 %. A distinguishing characteristic was also the amount of monounsaturated acids, which were 25-31 % and 36-46 % for lauric and non-lauric confectionary fats, respectively. The total content of trans-isomers in the analyzed samples of confectionary fat was 0.12-2.88 %. However, elevated trans-C18 : 1 isomer content was shown for 2 of the 11 confectionery glaze samples: in confectionery glaze №155-D – 6,26 %, and in confectionery glaze № 264 – 21,11 %. The confectionary glaze samples are characterized by a more diverse composition of fatty acids at the expense of milk fat, as evidenced by the presence of short-chain acids C4-C10 and other animal fats (presence of conjugated linoleic acid). At the same time, the saturated acid content varied in a wide range from 25 to 47%. The obtained data can be used to produce food products with the predetermined consumer properties.

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