
The article is devoted to the identification of information about the Tatars in the field diaries of ethnographic expeditions of 1953-1982 by the outstanding Bashkir ethnographer R.G. Kuzeev. The main method of research is comparative historical analysis and systematization of the collected sources. It was established that the materials were collected by scientists in Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Chelyabinsk, Orenburg, Kurgan regions at the specified time. Although the main purpose of the expeditions was to study the tribal structure of the Bashkirs, along the way R.G. Kuzeev recorded information on other ethnic groups, including Tatars. The field records of the scientist contain information about the history and ethnography of the Tatars in general, their ethnographic groups – in particular, namely the Kazan Tatars, Mishars and Teptyars. According to the informants, possible places of exodus of Tatars, interethnic contacts with Bashkirs, a complex structure (the presence of ethnic divisions), multiplicity and dynamics of ethnic identity are indicated. The process of Bashkirization of Tatars and Tatarization of Bashkirs in the zones of active ethnic contacts is described. The materials on the formation of the ethnocultural community of Bashkirs and Tatars as a result of joint settlement, economic activity, interethnic marriages are presented. Information about the Tatars contained in the field diaries of R.G. Kuzeeva give the opportunity to use them in the study of the mechanisms of formation of common and preservation of traditional cultures.

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