
The article presents the results of a study of the motor transport emissions impact on the soils of reclaimed agricultural landscapes. An intensive intake of macro- and microelements (W, Mo, Sn, Sb, Ti, Mg, K, Cd, Cu, V, Co, Mn, etc.) in the composition of technogenic dust, exceeding background concentrations by 1.5 - 74.0 times, leads to their increased content in the arable layer of agricultural lands. On these territories the content of Zn, Pb, Mn in soils ranged from 1.5 to 2.2 MPC. Natural concentrations of Mn, Ba, Zn, Pb, Ni, Cu, Co, W, Mo, Fe, Cd, Sn, Ti, Sb are exceeded by 2.0 - 19.9 times. W, Mo, Fe, Pb, Mn, Co, Sn and Sb were identified among the priority pollutants in soils. The total pollution indicators show that the entire study area of agricultural soils near motor roads is polluted to varying degrees: 77.8% of the total area has a minimum low level of pollution (from 50 to 150 m from the road) and 22% - medium (15 m). In general, the intensity of impact on soils during road traffic is characterized by a minimum low level of pollution. Keywords: AEROTECHNOGENIC SOIL POLLUTION, SOD-PODZOLIC SOIL, TOTAL POLLUTION INDEX, ROAD TRANSPORT, NORTH-WEST OF RUSSIA

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