
Purpose: The study aimed to examine the relationship between patience and its various components and both control of thoughts and ruminative thinking. Materials and methods: The researcher used the descriptive on a sample of (131) individuals, The mean age of the participants is (32.88) and a standard deviation of (9.76). The researcher used three scales: the patience scale, the thought control scale, and The Response Style Questionnaire. Results: The results showed that there is a positive relationship between the total degree of patience and the total degree of controlling thoughts. It also found a positive relationship between the total degree of patience with the dimension of distraction and re-evaluation, while the sub-dimension (worry) was negatively associated with the total degree of patience. It was also found that there is a positive relationship between the total degree of patience and the total degree of ruminative thinking, and a positive relationship was found between the total degree of the patience scale with the sub-dimension reflection, while there was no relationship between the total degree of patience of the patience scale and the sub-dimension brooding. Finally, the results of the prediction study indicated that patience has a predictive ability to control thoughts and ruminative thinking

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