
The article analyzes the development and functioning of the system of education, training, retraining and advanced training of civil servants. The relevance of the research topic has been proved - qualified civil servants successfully implement the functions of the state; the efficiency of public services depends on the level of training and qualifications of civil servants. The quality of training for a civil servant directly depends on the level of education in the country. The system of training, retraining and advanced training of civil servants should be considered as a single, integral subsystem in the public administration system. The research of scientists should be used in the development of projects for reforming the vocational training system of civil servants. At the same time, when analyzing modern literary sources, it was revealed that the problems of a practical nature that exist in the civil service, that is, the needs of civil servants in the modern conditions of their work, have been insufficiently studied, and foreign experience of professional training of personnel for the civil service remains little studied. An analysis of regulations and a survey of civil servants allows us to draw conclusions about the shortcomings of the existing system of training civil servants. In particular, the system of training, retraining and advanced training of civil servants should be aimed at achieving the main goal - providing government bodies with the necessary number of highly professional and highly knowledgeable, trained civil servants who have modern scientific knowledge, practical skills and abilities and are capable of effective implementation of the goals and functions of a legal modern state in its practical activities. The authors noted that it is extremely necessary to study the foreign experience of training civil service specialists and implement it in Ukraine. It is necessary to establish a relationship between the needs of civil servants and the curricula and plans of educational institutions, retraining and professional development courses; to increase the level of dissemination of new forms and methods of professional development of civil servants, including remote ones; improve the qualifications of teachers and educators by increasing funding from the state, international cooperation and internships; to start constant sociological monitoring of the needs of civil servants; establish the correspondence of basic education to the position held.

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