
Abstract. Introduction. The high level of grain production in Ukraine has been achieved thanks to the achievements of genetics, agronomy, mechanization and other innovations. Its growth faces the problem of limited arable land and natural resources. The future increase in grain production should be achieved mainly by using fewer natural resources. Overcoming the above challenges is possible through the implementation of a circular economy strategy. Purpose. The purposes of the article are: 1) the analysis of the current state of the circularity of grain production in Ukraine; 2) the identification of key current and future technological innovations that could ensure circularity; 3) to identify the necessary policy changes to encourage the use of these technologies. Results. The following methods were used in the research process: abstract-logical (problem statement, substantiation of conclusions); monographic (analysis of the evolution of scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists on the problems of the circular economy); dialectical knowledge. The key differences between the linear and circular economy are identified. The peculiarities of the circular economy are highlighted. It is emphasized that the circularity of the system and sustainability are interrelated concepts. It is determined that the circular economy is a set of economic tools and methods used to ensure the sustainable development of the grain production system. Promising technologies that can be applied in the production of grain are analyzed. The implementation of a circular model requires a change in modern business models. The main measures of the state regulatory policy on support and stimulation of such business models are analyzed. Conclusions. The theoretical foundations of the circular economy for the grain production have been developed. It ensures sustainable development by optimizing the use of resource potential and innovative business models with systematic state support. The introduction of the circular economy model in the production of grain crops will contribute to the implementation of sustainable economic development of the agricultural sector of the economy.

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