
Systemic and irreversible processes of "greening" of the global energy sector have formed a solid basis for a deep structural transformation of global production in recent decades. Already in the next twenty-thirty years, it will not only fundamentally modernize the corporate strategies and business models in effect today, but will also form a qualitatively new – stable – paradigm for the reproduction of a global social product. It envisages the systemic greening of the worldwide processes of production, distribution, exchange and consumption based on both the fundamental modernization of the existing energy infrastructure and the deep convergence of the entire complex of technologies, which are related, on the one hand, to increasing energy efficiency, and on the other, to increasing volumes production and consumption of renewable energy. The general contours of a sustainable paradigm for the reproduction of a global public product are currently being formed by leading global corporations on the basis of the introduction of environmentally friendly energy technologies into all internal production and management processes, deep energy modernization of production facilities, as well as systematic adaptation of financial and economic operations to natural and climatic changes and global environmental standards Thus, thanks to the "greening" of the energy sector, in the nearest historical perspective, a powerful self-supporting mechanism will be formed to transfer the entire world economic system to a qualitatively higher level of development, which includes a significant increase in the efficiency of energy resource management. This is related to the key features of green energy, which (from the point of view of the conceptual foundations of the green economy) is able to ensure the maximum convergence of economic, ecological and social goals of global social progress on the basis of a significant mitigation of the existing resource and environmental limitations, threats of ecosystem degradation, as well as deep inter-country and inter-regional asymmetries in access to energy resources.

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