
The paper describes the methodology for automation of normative profiles forming in software certification. It is noted that currently, the practical evaluation for software certification at the stage of normative profiles forming is mainly a manual analysis of large volumes of normative and project documentation represented by texts in natural language. It leads to certain subjectivity of expert assessments, reduces their completeness and reliability, and the use of standard methods is ineffective due to their universality. The degree of automation of the certification procedure, in general, and normative profiles forming, in particular, are analyzed. The structure of the regulatory profile, the types of regulatory profiles, as well as options for its formation are given. The typical errors that can occur when automating the procedure of normative profiles forming are discussed. It is proved to use the ontological environment for the process automation of normative profiles forming. The description of the subject area of software certification is presented in the form of an extended ontological model, which includes the ontology of software quality criteria, the ontology of the standard database of software certification, the ontology of the core of semantic integrity, and the ontological system of the organization of output on knowledge. The results of the research can be used in the development of an intelligent decisionmaking dialogue system for the auditor of the certification center in order to improve the efficiency of the auditor's work by automating the routine process, as well as reducing the risk of making the wrong decision due to insufficient qualification of the person making the decision.

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