
This present study is a narrative inquiry of high school students’ “student-led history class” experiences. Student-led history class is a history class based on student agency, which would influence on all the steps; from the class goal, establishment of study-plan, class contents and research plan and operation, along with evaluation - in all those process, the students would become the being of subjectivity, not object. Our study found that the student-led history class was more helpful for cultivating student agency, establishing their own history perspective, successful embodiment career path, and maturing self-concept. The student-led history class is based on mutual trust among participants as well as the orientation to the common good; as such, it creates the exclusive democratic space that encouraging further expanded consideration of education and life. Especially, the historical and research activities, have made students more confident and become more humanistic within historical frame. Based on those, regardless of academic scores, they reached to developing historical practice themselves, connecting the historical past and the present, and making themselves mature and more participating citizen. However, there are several constraints in the generalization of this history class. Research participants have worried that their preparation for entrance exam would have been interrupted. Given that, to make the modified history curriculum to boost the student-led history class, the viewpoint toward the high school education should be transformed. In order to boost its appropriate citizenship, the education should respect all students’ uniqueness, capturing each one’s potential to become his/her best card. The high-school education is not a mere tool for university entrance-exam.

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