
The article investigates the problem of mastering the skills of numerical modeling by students of engineering specialties while studying the course of higher mathematics. Much attention is paid to the formation of creative thinking of students in the process of learning mathematics. The main components of the methodological system using SCM in lectures, practical and individual classes. Using SCM MathCAD, Maple and others, the student can abstract from the technical details of programming, features of the operating system and focus on analyzing the features of such concepts as conditionality of the problem, stability of the method, evaluation of calculation results. Professional orientation of training future professionals with good personal qualities and is seen as creative, full of modern knowledge in mathematics and computer science. The given examples of tasks can be used for independent solution by students with a high cognitive level. Forming  of maintenance of course of higher mathematics is offered to carry out in such directions: strengthening  of role  of numerical  methods  and  their  realization after dopomogo of SKM; the use of mathematical design is during untiing of the applied tasks; capture students mathematical semantically professional by knowledges, necessary for the analytical  and numerical design of practical engineerings tasks, creation of own libraries of user of software products. Main abilities and skills which can be formed for students during computer-integrated employments after higher mathematics and elements of numerical design are selected: ability to use necessary programmatic facilities in the environment of SKM; ability to compare results in the different forms of presentation (analytical and graphic presentation); ability to use new possibilities, which are given computer technologies, based on the use of environment of SKM; ability to design programmatic facilities of the first in the environment of SKM; ability to design in the environment of SKM programmatic facilities of the first level of complication for untiing of educational and subject tasks.

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