
Today, providing visitors with information and advice is one of the main activities of the pharmacist. The ability to communicate effectively with pharmacy visitors is the required skill to perform this type of activity. The researchers performed an assessment of the level of communicative competence of pharmacists and studied the dependence of the level of communicative competence on certain personality traits. The study was aimed to assess the affect of certain personality traits of pharmacists on the effectiveness of their communication with the consumers. In the course of the study, the researchers detected the aspects of emotional intelligence, the leading type of conflict response, the level of emotional burnout and creativity of pharmacists. The researchers conducted a correlation analysis of connections between the level of communicative competence and the personality traits described above. The correlation analysis showed the instant connection between the level of communicative competence of pharmacists and such personality traits as emotional intelligence, the type of conflict response. It was concluded effective communication skills should be developed in the pharmacists. This objective was proved to be performed through the adjustment of the type of conflict response and the development of emotional intelligence in the specialists.

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