
The verb system in Spanish not only expresses tense but also aspect and mood through various conjugations, therefore it is a very difficult system for Korean students to acquire. In this article, from the point of view of grammatical pedagogy, we have proposed some instructional measures based on cognitive grammar that can be applied in the classroom. First, it is useful to present the cognitive schema of various tenses in a diagram. Second, the perfectivity is an important property in the Spanish past tense, while probability is important in the future tense. Third, the degrees of probability can be classified as conjecture or hypothesis and are represented by the indicative future tenses such as the simple future, the future perfect, the simple conditional and the conditional perfect in the main clauses as well as the subjunctive tenses in the subordinate clauses. Finally, it is necessary to take into account that the subjunctive mood reflects the non-assertive attitude of the speaker at a pragmatic level, a construction which is not syntactically realized in Korean.

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