
The article presents the results of an empirical study of the psychological features of the formation of an affective component of the professional identity of future primary school teachers. The dynamics of the development of the affective component of students’ professional identity by a set of indicators are considered: general professional self-assessment (evaluation of oneself as a specialist on the basis of comparison with the image of an ideal elementary school teacher); self-assessment of professional (pedagogical) abilities; self-assessment of professional theoretical and practical readiness; self-esteem of professionally important personal qualities; self-assessment of professional efficiency (future professional success); a level of self-respect and acceptance of yourself as a specialist.Summarizing the results of the study of the dynamics of the affective component of the professional identity of future elementary school teachers has made some conclusions: the overall professional self-esteem of students of all courses is high; students’ overall professional self-esteem in terms of verbal techniques at a statistically significant level increases from the first year to the last, which indicates a qualitative change in their professional identity; according to the indicators of the projective methodology of the CTS, the overall professional self-esteem of students at a statistically significant level decreases in the second year and the magistracy stage, which is manifested in the decrease in the emotional appeal of the image «I as a primary school teacher»; in this case, the decrease in students’ overall professional self-esteem coincides with the decrease in self-esteem of such components of professionalism as «professional skills» and «professional abilities and inclinations»; students’ personal self-esteem remains virtually unchanged throughout the university; At the same time, statistically significant differences are observed between the indicators of general and professional self-esteem, which testifies to the special dynamics of the development of professional identity of future primary school teachers.

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