
The substantiation of the relevance of the research problem, which lays in determining the features of the legal awareness of servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine as a factor of delinquent behavior, has been carried out. The total number of 48 servicemen of National Guard of Ukraine, who are undergoing training in different specialties, took part in the research. An analysis of types of cadetsꞌ legal awareness and its dependence on the combination of cognitive, emotional, behavioral and evaluative components has been carried out. The S. P. Beznosovꞌs "Attitude to Law" methodology was used to determine the integral features of the types of cadetsꞌ legal awareness. The meaningful features of legal awareness of cadets have been studied by using O. A. Gulevichꞌs questionnaire, developed on the basis of the theory of the structure of legal awareness; the specific attitude to law in the studied groups of military personnel has been summarized as well. The cadetsꞌ attitudes towards the law as a social phenomenon and towards themselves have been listed. The difference in legal activism between groups of cadets, its level of development, the causes of its occurrence and the main factors which negatively impacted it has been outlined. The activity component of the attitude of servicemen to the law, education in the field of legal regulation of relations in society, responsibility for its violation and ways of finding and obtaining legal knowledge in everyday life have been studied. The evaluation of the cadetsꞌ choice between the law and moral norms has been described, the structure of servicemenꞌs offenses has been determined, the main reasons for the acquittal of fellow servicemen for offenses has been analyzed, gaps in cadetsꞌ psychological education and insufficient understanding of responsibility for committed offenses have been identified. The results of the emotional attitude of cadets to the implementation of the law have been obtained, the main factors of non-observance of military discipline and abstinence from offenses by servicemen have been determined. The features of legal awareness of servicemen have been determined in accordance with the article and their specialty.

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