
Nowadays in the world economy, there is a tendency to invest in alternative, digital assets. Currently, the problem of integration of cryptocurrencies into the international financial system and the spread of the use of cryptocurrencies as a means of payment for goods and services is relevant. The following scientists have considered the development of the cryptocurrency economy: Beck K., M. Carney, M. Chea, E. Fry, J. Chung A., Roca E., Cooper M. and others. However, changes in the global economy caused by the coronavirus pandemic have significantly affected the cryptocurrency market and require more careful study and analysis. The article is devoted to the study of the current state of the cryptocurrency market and the changes that have taken place under the influence of the coronavirus. The price characteristics of the main cryptocurrencies over the last few months, their state, and reaction to changes in the world economy are considered. The article presents statistics of the cryptocurrency Bitcoin for the last few months, as well as other traditional financial assets. The technological characteristics of the cryptocurrency Bitcoin, the mechanisms of its functioning, and the possibilities of its application in related economic spheres are also considered. The impact of traditional financial assets on the cryptocurrency economy and the role of the cryptocurrency Bitcoin as a protective financial asset are analyzed. The terms of the functioning of the decentralized financial platform Bitcoin on the basis of Blockchain technology are considered. Perspective for the development of the cryptocurrency economy and key economic indicators of the cryptocurrency Bitcoin is also analyzed. The purpose of this work is to analyze the dynamics of prices for major cryptocurrency assets in the cryptocurrency market, due to global economic changes caused by the coronavirus pandemic and further prospects for the digital economy. It also described the influence of certain factors on the pricing of Bitcoin cryptocurrency.

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