
Background. Xe article is devoted to the features of self-presentation, expressed in the author’s texts, considered in the context of evaluation of professionals. Referring to the group of methods based on the “personality-text” relation is conditioned by the change in management paradigms and importance of employee’s creative potential as well as independence in modern economic conditions. Objective. Xe aim of this study was to determine the features of self-presentation of specialists with diYerent professional experience by analyzing the texts through the selection of formal and substantive attributions that reZect the individual characteristics of the author. We assumed that the texts created by specialists of diYerent age, gender, job level will diYer in terms of formal and content-related criteria, explicit and underlying semantic structures. Sample. Xe sample consisted of 83 employees of a manufacturing company. Methods. Xe participants were asked to give seven self-descriptions, answering the question “Who am I?” and to continue 10 un[nished sentences on the topic “My profession”. Xe resulting texts were subjected to a content analysis procedure based on the statistical processing of the selected categories (relative frequencies, correlations and signi[cant diYerences between them). Results. Xe results obtained made it possible to single out two strategies for writing texts on the same topic, which reveal the author’s experience: “detached, passive” and “included, active”. Xese strategies are tracked both at the level of explicit, formal characteristics of the text and at the level of deep semantic structures — semantic roles and metaprograms. Psychosemantic correlates of experience are indicators of emotional valence (positive, negative, neutral) and indicators of the frequency of adjectives, nouns and verbs in the text. Conclusion. Xese data demonstrate the diagnostic capabilities of psychosemantic methods in assessing the individual characteristics of employees when it is impossible to calculate the social desirability of answers, as well as in obtaining important information for building correct communications with them.

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