
The article is devoted to the analysis of international legal acts regulating labor relations of children and adolescents, as well as the problems of their international legal protection. It has been proven that child labor is considered work that is harmful and dangerous for the child and is prohibited by international and national law. Considerable attention is paid to the analysis of the main categories of child labor: the performance of work by a child who has reached the minimum age in accordance with national legislation and the worst forms of child labor. It has been shown that, in accordance with the provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the basis of freedom, justice and universal peace is the recognition of the equal dignity of all members of the human family and of their equal and inalienable rights. Human rights are one of the basic and most precious human values that must be upheld and respected. The future of each person and humanity in general, potentially depends on the younger generation, so ensuring the rights of children and their legal protection, of course, is the main task of today, in which the whole world community should be interested. Proof of this is not only the recognition by the international community that the child, due to his physical and mental immaturity, needs special protection and care, appropriate legal protection, both before and after birth, but also the recognition of children as independent subjects. It is emphasized that the main reason for the use of child labor is not economic efficiency, but the fact that children are easier to manage. Children are not fully aware and are not ready to defend their rights, complain less and adapt more easily to the environment. Also, in case of certain problems, it is easier to sacrifice children. For most employers, children are a reserve of labor that can be hired and fired at will. And if the work of children is illegal, then neither parents nor the children themselves will complain about the fear of losing a job that brings, albeit insignificant, but earnings. It is concluded that despite the fact that the problem of child labor has been eradicated over the centuries, society's attitude to the problem of child labor and its negative consequences, wide awareness of children's rights and ways to protect them, significant reduction of poverty and unemployment, introduction of child labor monitoring and strict state control over compliance with the requirements of child labor legislation should help reduce the scale of child labor and ensure the right of every child to a full childhood. The causes of child labor, their consequences are determined, the priority directions of child labor eradication are indicated.

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