
The article analyzes the asymmetrical basis of the antithesis with the opposition self / other in modern mediatexts. The aim is to state and interpret the peculiar linguistic realization of the asymmetrical basis of the antithesis with the opposition self / other in modern mediatexts. The study systematizes theoretical statements arguing asymmetrical relations as basic characteristics of language and text. Besides, it proves dominating role of asymmetry in modelling Russian media space. The article highlights that media discourse asymmetry, which became the object of scientific research only in the last decade, is caused by the manipulative character of media texts. As a result of factual material analysis, there was made a conclusion that early XXI century mediatexts are a priori asymmetrical. They contain both communicative and linguistic asymmetry resting mainly on contrast between linguistic and contextual antonyms which demonstrate diametrically opposite political views and divide political space into self and other. Antithesis self / other is not only a key opposition of political discourse; it also models socio-political relations. The article contains analysis of the opposition self / other as well as its explicators we / they, friend / enemy used in mediatexts. The study proves axiological fixedness of all explicators of the antithesis opposition conditioned by both linguistic and extra linguistic reasons. The authors draw the conclusion that actual mediatext based on the antithesis with the opposition self / other is the crucial way for politicians and journalists to manipulate the subjects of political communication by forming constructive or destructive images of states, political leaders, parties or organizations. A significant result of the study is that interaction of the addresser’s and addressee’s cognitive systems is based on historical and socio-political experience, the system of values, the idea of state’s as well as individual politician’s perspective. It is combination of factors that makes the foundation for coding and decoding information, and routes realities of political world basing on the opposition self / other.

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