
This study was conducted to define and outline the main theoretical characteristics of the concepts of "quality of education", "emotional and artistic environment", "professional training of future teachers for successful professional activities in higher education institutions." The authors defined the emotional and artistic environment as: a system of conditions that determine the purpose and objectives, planning, functioning and development of learning, the mechanism of subject-subject interaction, emotional and aesthetic relations in the system "teacher - students", which has a positive impact on the quality of training of future teachers for professional activities. Emotional and artistic environment of the educational process provides the development of personality of the future teacher, his abilities and abilities, individual style and professional position, means, ways of mastering cultural values and interaction to enter the world of spirituality, music, art, creative experience in teaching. activities. The emotional and artistic environment operates with a set of tools by which students evaluate the mechanism of organization and construction of educational activities on the basis of aesthetics, art and science; provide "transfer" of objectively existing values in the field of significant phenomena for future teachers, deepening and expanding existing professional values, intensification of thought processes and reflective position of students. Identified and justified conditions: updating the content of the humanities; emotional and artistic orientation of their content; modeling of event-role situations when the results of the student's activity coincide with his expectations; creating an emotionally favorable climate in the educational process; inclusion of participants in the educational process in various types of artistic and creative activities ensure the productivity of the educational environment in the formation of emotional and artistic image of the future teacher, his readiness for artistic and creative activities through a system of educational and cognitive tasks. cinema, music, which serve as the basis for the visualization of information and the experience of artistic creativity gained by students.

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