
In the structure of major causes of infant mortality in most Russian regions, hereditary and congenital malformations rank second, substantiating an extraordinary medical and social significance of these diseases for practical healthcare. In this regard, neonatal screening was introduced as an important public health program to ensure early diagnosis of hereditary diseases. The work organization of medical and genetic consultations largely depends on the availability of medical personnel. The main problem of medical and genetic consultations is the imbalance in the number of medical personnel: across Federal districts, constituent entities of the Russian Federation; medical and nursing staff. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the number of medical personnel for medical and genetic consultations in individual regions of the Volga Federal District. Material and methods. With the help of the MedCalcstatisticalsoftware - freetrialavailable software package (Medcalc 2.0.), statistical processing of data on regional programs of the regions of the Volga Federal District, reporting forms of the Federal Statistics Service No. 30, official data from the websites of medical universities, and a sociological survey of the head non-staff specialists was carried out. Results. In most regions of the Russian Federation, medical and genetic consultations are part of the structural divisions of republican (regional) children's (perinatal) hospitals. Based on the analysis of staffing standards, a calculation and comparative analysis of the staffing level of medical and genetic consultations was carried out on the example of 7 regions of the Volga Federal District. This comparison made it possible to identify imbalance in the number of geneticists and specialists of other related specialties in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, with due regard to size of residing population. Analysis of the geneticist staffing of the regions of the Volga Federal District under study showed that there is an imbalance associated with the number of residents of the district and the number of organized medical and genetic consultations. Analysis of the number of geneticists and other specialists of the medical and genetic service in the regions of the Volga Federal District allows us to identify a disparity between the practical number of medical personnel and the real need of the population for medical and genetic assistance. In the Russian Federation, training of health professionals is carried out in accordance with the nomenclature of specialties. Among all medical universities in Russia, residency training in the specialty "genetics" (as of August 2023) is conducted in 26 universities (15.5% of all universities in the Russian Federation). A significant concentration of universities in the European part of Russia and two training centers beyond the Urals have been shown. Lack of medical and organizational solutions can result in the near future in a limited availability of specialized medical care of the "genetics" specialty, which will lead to the increased rate of congenital malformations and other hereditary conditions, including higher childhood disability and mortality. Conclusions. A). Analysis of the human potential of the medical and genetic service in individual regions of the Volga Federal District showed a significant deficit, which is due to a number of reasons, including insufficient number of educational institutions in the regions, lack of the possibility to get specialty in medical genetics and laboratory genetics through professional retraining. B). The assessment of staffing with geneticists and other specialists of the medical and genetic service in the regions of the Volga Federal District identified a disproportion between the number of medical personnel and the real need of the population for medical and genetic care. C). The staff composition recommended by the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated April 21, 2022 No. 274n "On approving the Procedure for providing medical care to patients with congenital malformations (or) hereditary diseases" can be implemented only after two calendar years, due to the duration of training in residency.

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