
The main objective of modern language learning is to improve the communicative competence of the learners. The striving for enhancing the effectiveness of language learning aims to ensure that each student, besides basic training (acqiusition of the taught vocabulary, correct pronunciation, spelling, etc.), also has access to information, skills to select, systemize, use and understand its application. The use of communicative strategies in studying the new language puts learners in an active position, encourages them to engage in productive learning, to form cognitive, communicative and social skills, and above all to be active participants in the process od learning which is characterized mainly by interaction, collaboration and use of a variety of techniques to facilitate the perception and acquisition of the studied content. The modern teacher faces the necessity to constantly seek new modern and innovative training and teaching methods which are interesting and meet the linguistic needs of the learners, to provide them with the conditions and equip them with the means for independence and advancement, achieved on the basis of already acquired knowledge and learning strategies.

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