
Previously, the method of rotating of flat geometric objects around curvilinear axes was described by us. The next step in the path of our research should be the development of methods for the automated creation of surfaces digital models obtained by the described rotation method. We have created models of surfaces, the axis and the forming curve of which are circles lying in the same plane. Several cases of mutual disposition for such circles were analyzed. Modeling was carried out using constructive techniques. Surfaces were created using the “surface by section” operation. The centers of such circular sections belong to the axis of rotation, if it is a circle. Using the special tools incorporated in the KOMPAS-3D program, we have cut the surfaces modeled in this way by planes, and obtained a number of flat sections. Taking into account the difficulties occurring during the study of such complex geometric objects by means of flat graphic constructions, as well as graphic computer modeling, we have realized the need to create a mathematical apparatus describing these objects’ shape. The required mechanism should be applicable to any pair of second-order curves interconnected as “axis — generatix”. We have considered an elementary example – the rotation of a point around a curve elliptical axis. In this paper a solution for the problem of finding a system of equations describing a set of point positions, which it will successively take when rotating around the elliptic axis, is presented. It is possible to apply a similar mathematical apparatus to axes having the form of other quadrics, for example, hyperbolas or parabolas, as well as to generatices consisting of more than one point, that is, to forming curves.

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