
The article is concerned with the system of higher pharmaceutical education in the European Union countries. The analysis has allowed to establish that there is no single curriculum in the training system of pharmaceutical specialists; the curriculum content also has significant differences. For historical reasons, there have been three groups of countries characterized by a different approach to pharmaceutical education: the first group includes countries of Central and Eastern Europe and Scandinavia, where the chemical sciences lie at the root of training of pharmaceutical specialists; the second group is represented by the Franco-Italian-Spanish school, where the priority is given to biomedical disciplines; the third group includes countries, where training is carried out according to the traditions of the English pharmaceutical school. This determines the contradictions in the world practice of training of pharmaceutical personnel. There are significant discrepancies in terms, curricula, academic disciplines, degrees. At the present stage, there have not yet been created any transnational standards for the training of pharmacists, which significantly complicates the training, recognition of diplomas and qualifications at the interstate level.

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