
 In the tourism and hospitality industry can be distinguished seven tourist service fields: the natural, cultural, historical, event, recreational, mythological, service, anthropological. At the modern tourist industry developing level exists a special opportunity to pick out the new tourist service fields types. Rostourism developed several programs, connected with difference tourist field aspects development. It allows the tourist amount in Russia increasing, in particular, in Moscow region, due to inner tourism developing. In the Moscow region it is possible to develop various types of tourism, such as winter, summer, child, adventure, ethnographic, floristic, ecological, and religious and photo tours. The modern concept of the Moscow region development provides the priority points of tourist attraction and tourist resources of destinations in the region development. In the Moscow suburbs are determined 12 “tourist attraction points”, named "12 pearls suburbs." The tourist field in Moscow suburb needs a development of such tourist field service parameters like: transport infrastructure; accommodation facilities; catering and trade and ctr. Russian and foreign tourists in the priority points of the Moscow region needs to develop attractive tourist routes, package offers tour programs and excursions. Aimed at the Russian and foreign tourists attraction to the Moscow region priority points, it is necessary to develop the special tourist routes, tourist programs and excursions.

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