
The article analyzes one of the important layers of the lexical system of Ukrainian at the turn of the XXth and XXIst centuries, namely innovative socio-political lexemes and terms. It is shown that despite the attention of Ukrainian and foreign scholars to Ukrainian innovative vocabulary, the study of the mentioned lexical units requires constant and substantial consideration. The relevance of the problem is supported by the fact that the corpus of innovative lexical units that belong to the socio-political sphere is a dynamic subsystem, being constantly enriched and modified, and therefore is not sufficiently studied within the above-mentioned time interval. The aim of the paper is to study the development of new socio-political vocabulary and terminology of the Ukrainian language on the basis of contemporary publicistic (radio programs, TV broadcasts, newspapers, magazines, Internet resources, public speeches) and scientific types of discourse typical of recent decades. To achieve this aim it was necessary to perform the following tasks: 1) to outline the leading factors contributing to the emergence of the analyzed units; 2) to consider the main sources of innovative socio-political vocabulary and terminology; 3) to define thematic groups and subgroups that have been enriched by the analyzed lexical units. As a result of the carried out research, the author defines and characterizes leading extra- and intralingual factors contributing to the emergence of innovative socio-political vocabulary and terminology, which have not been registered yet in Ukrainian largest and most authoritative interpretive and bilingual lexicographic sources. Having collected and scrutinized a considerable number of innovative vocabulary (more than 3000 units), the author clarifies and analyzes the main sources of modern national language enrichment. These sources include the word formation based on specific and foreign language derivations and resources, new borrowings from different languages (with the prevalence of Anglicisms), semantic reconsideration of codified units, as well as the actualization of the units already known in the Ukrainian language. The paper presents the division of these units into thematic groups and subgroups. As a result of the carried out analysis the author comes to conclusions that at the end of the XXth and beginning of the XXIst centuries the socio-political vocabulary and terminology are characterized by a dynamic increase accelerated by a series of extra- and intralinguistic factors, the former being a prevailing factor. The sources of the analyzed units remain traditional. The author has also registered a significant enrichment of thematic groups and subgroups composed of the analyzed subsystems.

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