
Nowadays. The modern system of public administration in Russia face numerous challenges. The urgency of the problems is expressed in the fact that the existing system of governance is unable to independently acquire features that allowing it to cope with challenges effectively. The author believes that, the main factor in to reducing the importance of administrative law is the current liberal socio-economic system in Russia being largely based on Pro-Western institutions. The aims of the this paper are to study the problems related to the transformation of the system of and administrative law as its legal basis, to analyze existing problems and to develop solutions to them, The last determines the theoretical, methodological and practical significance of the topic of the article. To solve the problem the author suggests that, the dominant position in Russia should be given to domestic institutions. The author emphasizes the need to improve the system of control over the efficiency and effectiveness of the work of state Executive bodies at various levels, which should greatly contribute to the formation of a universal Supervisory authority. Further the author underlines that advanced technologies are introduced with a huge advance of their administrative legal regulation. This fact requires makes the administrative law return its original features being laid the basis for its formation, as well as become the basis for rapid and effective regulation of public relations in order to achieve the goals of management.

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