
In this thesis, we look at the current status of 'learning Korean language education' for students entering midway and from foreign families, and suggest ways to develop their skills of learning Korean language. Since Midway Immigrant students and students from foreign families have to study, not only communication-oriented Korean language education but also learning Korean language education for academic performance is needed. Therefore, the current status of Korean language education support conducted online and offline is examined. Compared to the total number of immigrants and foreign students, fewer students were receiving Korean language education support. In addition, there is a large imbalance in areas in the Korean language curriculum. Focus is placed on communication and Korean language education support for immigrants and students from foreign families, but learning Korean language education is neglected. Communication between students from multicultural families Compared to Korean language education, it is difficult to carry out Korean language education as a school class. In this paper, a “web-based learning Korean language education platform” is proposed as a way to teach Korean language to students entering Korea midway and from foreign families. The ‘web-based learning Korean language education platform’ can eliminate problems such as class composition and educational accessibility. In addition, by applying the customized coaching service to the web-based learning Korean language learning platform, learners can acquire systematic and active self-directed learning ability.

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