
Introduction. The paper focuses on the genre of a maiden speech, which is the first official speech of a newly elected parliamentarian. The relevance of the research is due to the fact that no special studies of this genre have been presented in the linguistic literature so far.
 Aim. The study aims at discovering and describing the functional features of a maiden speech. 
 Methodology and research methods. The methods used in the work include the descriptive method, the methods of discursive, contextual, functional and stylistic analysis.
 Results. As a result of the study, the following main functions of a maiden speech are identified: the functions of presentation, social identification and solidarity, the performative function, the functions of orientation, differentiation and confrontation. Special features and means of implementing each of the functions are considered. It is concluded that a maiden speech is a “hybrid” speech genre, in which the signs of ritual genres are combined with the signs of orientational genres; the features of agonal genres can also be found in a maiden speech.
 The scientific novelty of this study lies in the functional approach to the description of the speech genre under consideration.
 The practical significance of the paper is determined by the fact that its results can be used in the courses of lectures on political linguistics, discourse theory, genristics and rhetoric.

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