
Introduction: Emergency alert mechanism in VANET assumes that information messages are broadcast in ad hoc mode. In order to limit the flow of duplicate messages inevitable in this transmission method, specialized algorithms are provided which allow you to organize a selective retransmission mode among the total number of nodes. Purpose: We assess the possibility to apply epidemic theory as a tool of constructing an analytical model which would describe how the broadcast messages are spread. Results: We have analyzed the transient processes in the nodes associated with the spread of information messages through the network, and graduated the states of the nodes in accordance with the classification proposed by epidemic theory. Relying on some ideas about physical fundamentals and VANET message retransmission features, we obtained analytical expressions describing the change in the relative abundance for each of the selected groups of nodes. Further studies in NS-2 simulation environment allowed us to obtain statistics about the temporal proportion of each group of nodes for a model section of a road network. Comparative analysis of the analytical and modeling results using Pearson criterion showed that the obtained analytical expressions can be used to describe the transient processes in VANET nodes. Consequently, it proves that epidemic theory can be used as a tool for comparative analysis of algorithms developed for information message retransmission .

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