
Studies were conducted in the Botanical Garden of Petrozavodsk State University, located in the taiga zone. The objects were 1 aboriginal (Рicea fennica (Regel) Кom.) аnd 5 introduced (P. pungens Engelm. f. glauca Regel and f. viridis Regel, P. obovata Ledeb., P. glauca (Mill.) Britt., P. omorica (Pane) Purk., P. mariana Britt.). It is established that in the process of adaptation of introduced species Picea to low winter tempera-tures most of the involved proteins. Their number increases significantly during the transition from the period of active shoot growth to a period of deep rest have all studied species of Picea. The accumulation of proteins causes a decrease in the level of total free amino acids of most types of exotic species, while the local form of the amino acid content is maintained at a high level. In the needles of most of the studied species of Picea to the period of deep rest, the fraction of glutamic acid and albanina and increases the proportion of arginine and ethanolamine in the total amount of amino acids. The increase in the content of total lipids and phospholipids in the needles during the transition to a period of deep rest less significant than proteins. In the needles of na-tive species in comparison with the needles of exotic species total lipids actively used in the phase of inten-sive growth of shoots. Despite some differences, the introduced species Picea adapted to endure low tempera-tures using the same biochemical mechanisms as a local view. This indicates successful adaptation of the studied introduced species Picea to new conditions of existence.

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