
This article offers the author's interpretation of the use of specific complex grammatical constructions of the Turkish language, usually causing significant difficulties in studying them with Russian-speaking students. We are talking about participles -dığı / -acağı (adjective-verbs – “sıfat-fiiller”) and truncated infinitives -ması (noun-verbs / verbal nouns – “isim-fiiller”). The purposes of the study undertaken are to compare the interpretations of Turkish and Russian linguists; on the basis of morphological, morphemic, semantic and syntactic methods of analysis, to find out the origin and essence of adjective-verbs -dığı / -acağı and truncated infinitive -ması in Turkish; correctly describe them in close terms of Russian grammar; find out the logic of use in Turkish and of translation into Russian. As a result, it managed to find out that -dığı / -acağı / -ması structures undoubtedly have a high degree of specificity and unusual for Russian-speakers both in terms of the correct understanding of their essence and morphological correspondence and practical application. However, it turned out to be possible to find for them in the Russian language semantically and morphologically close parts of speech and syntactic constructions. Also to describe the main logic of their use as detailed members of the proposal (subject, predicate, definition, object, aderbial modifier) and to formulate proposals for Russian Turkologists by changes in approaches to teaching these topics.

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