
Information technologies are developing very rapidly themselves and are also developing the world. At present, the IT industry attracts specialists in various industries, «opens the door» to large international companies, makes it possible to create your own business. However, in order to become an experienced IT specialist and achieve your goals in this sphere, you first need to be trained. Thus, the sector of educational institutions in the sphere of information technology in Ukraine is quite saturated. There are both higher educational institutions of this direction, as well as special courses and schools of narrow profile for training of IT specialists. Educational institutions that can ensure the process of providing IT education online in view of the pandemic have a particularly advantageous situation today. Therefore, a study of assessing the competitiveness of companies in the IT education sector is an urgent problem. The article is aimed at improving the methodological instrumentarium for assessing the competitiveness of enterprises in the sphere of information services and modifying the algorithm for assessing the competitiveness of the enterprise on the basis of the introduction of the hierarchy analysis method of T. Saaty to determine the competitiveness criteria, which will allow to assess the preemptiveness of the criteria, one over one. As a result of the study, the need for practical use of methodological instrumentarium for assessing the competitiveness of enterprises in the sphere of information services is established. An authors’ own list of criteria for assessing competitiveness has been formed, taking into account the peculiarities of the activities of enterprises in this area. The competitiveness assessment process is proposed to be carried out by means of two methods: TOPSIS and VIKOR, in order to exclude possible miscalculations in the formation of the list of alternatives, and to coordinate the results of the assessment by introducing a concordation coefficient. Prospects for further research in this direction are the solution of the problem of forming a qualitative list of criteria, in particular, their ranking and constant adaptation to changes in the external environment, as well as issues related to a set of alternatives according to the scenario approach, which will allow optimizing the processes of strategic management of enterprises in the sphere of IT services that are most dependent on changes in the market.

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